Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

The steering group is a formal sub-committee of the parish council. It is made up of residents who expressed an interest in joining it after an invitation was issued in the parish newsletter. Its role is to discuss the issues that might be covered in the NDP and work with consultants to produce various documents for consultation. The steering group will take the lead in that consultation process, answering residents’ questions and ensuring the NDP responds to any issues they raise as far as it possibly can.

The current membership of the steering group is:

  • Ian Turner (steering committee chair)
  • Debra Smith (steering committee secretary)
  • Richard Leech (parish council chair)
  • Lesley Gill
  • Derek Liddell
  • Meryl Liddell
  • Jill Hayler
  • Paula MacDonald
  • Peter Millar
  • Alan Thompson
  • Janice Wake
  • Sue Williams
Following the conclusion of the Regulation 14 consultation on the draft NDP, the work of the steering committee is now concluded.  However, please email you would like more information about the NDP.


The steering committee has been supported in its work by Louise Kirkup of Kirkwells town planning and sustainable development consultants – for more information see . The parish council has also received support from Locality, which provides support including funding to communities undertaking neighbourhood planning - for more information see 

Steering Group Minutes